Our Environmental Pledge.
We strive to be eco-friendly in all our business transactions and personal lives. Please see the list below for guidelines B&B Cleaning Solutions follows to contribute to a healthier Earth and environment.
Actions we take for a cleaner way to clean.
Green cleaning products.
Our clients can request that we use all-natural cleaning products in their homes and work spaces. A few of our favorite product brands are:
We carpool to job sites.
Our cleaning crews carpool together to jobsites to reduce the amout of carbon that is produced by exhaust fumes. 1 crew, 1 vehicle.
Reduce, reuse and recycle.
Running a cleaning business is no joke and we go through cleaning supplies and throw away trash rapidly. We pledge to recycle all of our empty containers that we cannot reuse and reuse all of the the containers that we can, recycle batteries and papers. When appropriate, we strive to seperate our client’s trash from recycling while performing residental cleaning services.
Energy efficient.
Did you know that artificial light accounts for 44% of electricity use in office buildings? When we perform cleaning services during the day we strive to use natural light. Before we leave a job, we perform a double check to ensure that all lights have been turned off.
For more information or comments about our practices, products or eco-pledge, please contact us.